Sunday, February 3, 2008

3rd Task For This Week - Play Avalon

So we were assigned to play Avalon. A MUD. And boy what a boring game this is. It is all text based, no graphics. This is one of the problems, as it results in alot of text just scrolling down the screen. But another problem is the fact that its all scripted. In the early missions, you just follow people. I mean, you could just let the game do it's thing, go make a sandwich, come back and the game is stilling throwing text at ya.

There is one mission where you go to a different town, along a river. The mission is so long and requires just following orders, like typing "nod", "follow". It seemed to drag on for ages, with full length paragraphs telling me about avalon and what I can do. All very boring.

Anyway, I played up to getting enrolled in a school. I "chose" messenger. I say "chose" as I randomly typed in a direction and typed enroll. I was then told to find people and give them a message. That was enough for me, there wasn't a hope that I was going searching the whole bloody place for people without even a clue as to where the first one was. I'm registered, but I doubt I'll play this game again anytime soon.

My Details.
Name: Benzino
City: Mercinae
Academy: I dont remeber and don't know how to find out.
School: Again I dont know which school. I just typed find schools and then I appeared in a school.
Course: Messenger, or is that the type of school? I dunno.

I played the game for about 2 hours (well it felt like that anyway).

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