Saturday, January 26, 2008

My 3 game reviews of the week

I'm going to try and give a brief review of 3 games each week. The games I choose will all be games that I have played at some stage, not necessarily the week that reviewed it.

Gears of War - Xbox 360, PC

In my opinion, Gears of War is still the best game on the 360. It's a tactical third-person shooter made by Epic Games and is available only on the Xbox 360 and PC. Unlike most shooting games, tactics are important and Gears of War offers an excellent covering system. The game has some of the best gore available in any game, with bodies been capable of been cut in half with a chainsaw accompanied by some awesome blood effects that splatter on the screen, even blocking your view at times. With an excellent single player mode, and an excellent multi player mode, this game gets a 10/10 from me. A must buy.

Call of Duty 4 - Xbox 360, PS3, PC

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter voted multiplayer game of the year for 2007. If you hadn't guessed it yet, it is excellent online introducing levels/ranks and perks (which can increase the amount of bullets you have, or drop a genade when you die, and increase your running speed to mention a few), something that hasn't really been done in online first person shooters. As for the single player, well I found it to be poor. It's very scripted, short and fighting respawns (you kill one enemy, and he is replaced immediately by another who does exactly the same thing) gets repetitive and drags on alot. Never the less, a very good game.8/10 from me.

Crysis - PC

Crysis is a first person shooter made by Crytek and is the first game in the Crysis trilogy. Using the CryEngine 2, Crysis is the best looking game available on the market at the moment. Set in a huge tropical island, the game features stunning water and shadow effects, to accompany the excellent graphics. However this comes with a price as the game is very demanding to run. As for the gamerplay, the main feature of the game is a nano suit which allows the player to go invisible, run faster, get tougher and stronger (not at the same time though). Single-player wise, it took me a few hours to get into this game, but then suddenly I found myself hooked until the end. As for the multiplayer, its good but there are better games out there like call of duty in the online department.Another 8/10 from me.

For the last few months I have been watching game reviews by Zero Punctuation. His reviews are funny but are spot on most of the time. He releases a new review every Wednesday at 5pm at the Escapist.

Here is his Crysis review.

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